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2 thoughts about the American left

1) Ask today's American leftist why he works. According to his marxist theory, shouldn't the "correct" answer be so that he or she can pay taxes which go to fund government programs for the poor and downtrodden people in the country and around the world?

Which leads to point number 2...

Why does the leftist object when those taxes, that they love to pay, are used by the US military to defeat forces of evil which keep people sick, hungry and poor while simultaneously providing the continuing supply of various resources that the greedy American capitalist pigs need to create the opportunities for people to work so they can pay taxes to help other people?

Somehow, the American left has adopted a notion that the responsibility of the US government is to help poor people around the world ONLY when there is no tangible benefit for America, such as Kosovo, Haiti or Somalia. But, when the poor, hungry, and sick people happen to live on top of an oil supply, for example, any intervention there is solely for the enrichment of oil barons from Texas.