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SCOTUS nominations

Senate majority leader Bill Frist 202-224-3344
Senator Specter 202-224-4254
Senate Judiciary committee
Do something-don't let this RINO force his ideas on the rest of us.

Arlen Specter should NOT be given the chair of the judiciary committee.
  • The Republican expected to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee next year bluntly warned newly re-elected President Bush today against putting forth Supreme Court nominees who would seek to overturn abortion rights or are otherwise too conservative to win confirmation.
I was very upset that Bush chose to help this RINO defeat Pat Toomey in the PA primary last summer. Within 2 hours of Bush's victory speech, Specter inserts the knife into the back of Bush and Republicans all across this country. Why does Specter think the GOP did so well this election?

Given the results from this past Tuedsay's election, I think the GOP should tell Arlen to take a hike, he can go join the minority party that he so often votes with anyway.

Timothy Carney from National Review Online explains why both George Bush and Rick Santorum were wrong to tell us that we needed Arlen Specter to be reelected.