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Kofi Annan and Iraqi elections

This guy is a joke. The UN is impotent, and we should immediately cease recognizing its legitimacy.

On 16 September 2004, Kofi Annan was interviewed by the BBC.
  • Q: But do you honestly expect elections in January? It sounds impossible.

    A: You cannot have credible elections if the security conditions continue as they are now.

Now, 6 weeks later, ABC (Australia) has an article on its website titled
Annan warns Fallujah attack could undermine elections
  • UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has warned the United States, Britain and Iraq that an assault on Fallujah would risk further alienating the Iraqi people and undermining planned January elections.
  • UN officials made no secret of their fear that a large-scale attack on Fallujah could provoke an election boycott by Sunni Muslims and undermine efforts to promote stability.

    "The concern is the broadest possible buy-in into the political process and the broadest possible participation," UN undersecretary-general for political affairs Kieran Prendergast told reporters.

Reuters has put out a story which indicates that British forces will follow the lead of the stated wishes of Iraqi PM Allawi and not the UN.
  • A British Foreign Office spokesman said Prime Minister Tony Blair had received Annan's letter. "He's is allowed to say what he wants. But nevertheless we listen to the Iraqi government in this respect," he said. "Falluja is a matter for the government of Iraq."
Is this another part of the non-existent Bush plan, installing a government and allowing it to make decisions about the best path for its own people?