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"Sensitive" border security

I'm on a roll today with analogies, so here goes another one. Currently, we are being told that America is engaged in a global "War on Terror". It's true that islamo-fascists have been attacking Americans since the 1972 Olympics in Munich. On the other hand, our homeland security is sorely lacking due to George Bush unwillingness to enforce current laws, and liberals in the ACLU who think that illegal immigrants deserve the same rights as do legal immigrants or US citizens. We simply WILL NOT patrol the borders, or deport illegal immigrants (or "undocumented workers" as the MSM calls them) Excuses are given such as: illegals are doing work that Americans won't do, the job is too large, borders are unnecessary anyway, or as Asa Huchinson said Americans "don't have the will" to uproot the illegals.

In my mind, this is akin to me protecting my home, family, and property by patrolling the inside of my home with a gun, but failing to lock the front door or build a fence around my yard. Sure, I'll have some success for a while, but sooner or later, I'll be overrun by thieves looking for shelter and food from my refrigerator (which I continue to stock like the US gov't stocks the bank accounts of public education, social security, and the hospitals that illegals use every day.)

"I wish, Michael Moore, and the rest of the America-hating liberals would sink in quicksand instead of shooting US troops in the back." - me