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Has Bill O'Reilly made one too many enemies?

His tv show on Foxnews is the #1 most watched show on evening cable channels, but his radio show is a disaster. My local FM news/talk station cancelled it several months ago in favor of the Boortz bonus hour and the first hour of the Savage Nation. I used to enjoy the tv show, but even that got old for me, as I found the bloviating host to ALWAYS find himself in the "moderate" position on too many issues. I respected his quest to remain politically independent to bash both sides, but when he dismissed the Swift Vets for Truth and the Dan Rather memogate, that was the last straw for me.

Now, O'Reilly is facing a lawsuit for alleged sexual harassment with some woman who worked for him. Apparently, she worked for Fox, went to CNN, then came back when her boss there was fired. I presume him to be legally innocent, but his career is through. His credibility is lost, and I don't expect him to be much of a player in the news/commentary business for much longer. Oh well, I guess it's like they say. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.