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Barber shops and schools

Let's say that in your town, there is a barber shop. Every adult in town pays $10/month to the barber for the right to receive a haircut once a week. Of course, some people in the town do not need haircuts, while others would prefer to visit an alternate barber or hair stylist. Some may even prefer to have their spouse/friend cut their hair at home. Some of these people request that they be exempted from paying the $10 fee, since they are not using the service that they are paying for. Some people are forced to go to the neighborhood barber because they don't have the money to pay both the $10 fee and the private costs for an alternate barber. Sound like the public school system?

The Democrat plan is to make everyone pay the local school taxes since it is society's responsibility to make sure that all children receive an education. Consumers of public schools have no real way to improve the school their kids attend except for moving to another district. On the other hand, the Republican idea is to refund the taxes paid to parents whose children attend another school. They figure, why should parents pay for two schools when the child only attends one? Seems logical, but of course the Democrat plan is to keep kids and parents enslaved to public education, which will produce generations of people unable to think critically and make good life choices, thereby becoming dependent on government, which is the real Democrat plan. (Of course, libertarian ideology says that only those people with children attending a school pay the bills of that school.)