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MTV's use of scare tactics

MTV and others have recently tried to publicize a notion that if reelected, George Bush will reimplement the national draft. Given the young audience of MTV, this message tells me that MTV wants John Kerry to win the election. Given the Janet Jackson debacle, Howard Stern's demise among other recent actions taken by the FCC, MTV likely fears that it may be next in line for FCC review. Unfortunately for MTV and John Kerry who has also been giving this rumor some play, it's simply untrue. (No surprise it's catching on with Democrat voters...) First of all, the draft is not implemented by executive order, but rather by Congressional vote. While the GOP does control the Congress, and has been repeatedly accused of giving in to Bush's agenda, the idea that President Bush can unilaterally implement a draft is categorically untrue. Second, the bill which is currently in committee status in both chambers of the Congress WAS WRITTEN AND COSPONSORED BY DEMOCRATS. That's right, Democrats are the ones who are pushing for a draft, as they play their usual class warfare card, saying "rich kids don't have to go serve". Go to this site, and search for S 89 and HR 163 (108th Congress). Then, when you've done that, go here and check out John Kerry's plan for mandatory service prior to high school graduation. Nah, the Democrats and MTV wouldn't LIE to us, would they?