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Homeschoolers are terrorists

Let's see here, Rod Paige calls the NEA a terrorist organization and the public outcry is deafening. The Ted Kennedy, liberals, and those beholden to the union racketeers demand apologies, firings, and so on. (Is there any liberal cause that is NOT involved with?) The President of the NEA weighed in on Secretary Paige's comments TWICE.

Now, on the other hand, in Muskegon County, MI, a terror preparedness drill is staged in which the perpetrators are a "fictional" group called "Wackos for homeschooling". Apparently, some concerned parents and citizens were unhappy, and within 2 days of running the drill the county officials have done a 180 that would even make John Kerry's head spin. Following in the footsteps of Sandy Berger and Dan Rather, Dan Stout seems to think that the story will just go away if he says "oops, sorry, we didn't mean to, it was an accident/oversight/error".

Will the NEA call for the firing of Dan Stout from his post in Muskegon County, MI? If not, does that prove that the NEA is looking out more for its union members than its customers?