Failed multiculturalism in Wisconsin
Last Sunday, 8 American were shot by a man from Asia, known as a "Hmong". Quickly, 2 lawyers were called in to defend the accused shooter, claiming the act was in self defense, while suggesting that racial slurs were spoken by the dead men.
Quite frankly, I don't care about Hmong culture. Or Turkish culture. Or Japanese culture. Or Indian culture. Or Iranian culture. Or Chilean culture. I care about American culture, and when immigrants move here and haven't learned American ways after living here for a quarter century, 6 years of which spent in the California National Guard, there is a major problem. MAJOR. Reported in the Kansas City Star:
- Nearly two decades later, both Hmong and longtime Wisconsin hunters say similar gaps in communication and culture happen often. Though the divide has existed for years, the question of how to address it is gaining new attention after last week's shootings in Sawyer County in which a Hmong hunter is accused of killing six people after being told he was on private land. Chai Soua Vang told authorities he was shot at first and insulted with racial slurs.
Once upon a time, we were a nation of immigrants, which some would say we still are. However, years ago, those who came here assimilated into America and learned our ways. While many held their own traditions inside the home, it was simply unheard of to arrive here and expect natives to accomodate you and your alternative habits.
We are not a great nation because we accept immigrants. We are a great nation because of what we offer the immigrants. A hope for a better life, a fair wage, a chance at religous freedom, personal security and fair treatment under the law. Sadly, immigrants in 2004 have realized that it is no longer necessary nor useful to merge into American culture, on the contrary, much benefit is to be gained by claiming discrimination, intolerance, bigotry, or cultural difference. Including a viable murder defense in the eyes of some.
When will there be enough evidence for the cultural elites who populate the Democrat party to realize we cannot continue offering asylum to legal and illegal immigrants from all around the globe? When will the radical left move beyond labeling those who seek protection and preservation of the American culture as racists and bigots? When will our government hear the cries from the men and women who make this country work that the load being placed on our backs is becoming unmanageable?
- 19 immigrants who overstayed their welcome hijacked airplanes and killed 3000 innocent people.
- Muslims in Hamtramck, MI have won the "right" to blast the islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers 5 times per day.
- Politicians in Washington and several states are claiming that immigrants should be given work visas, driver's licenses, even the right to vote in local and state elections.
- US citizens and legal immigrants are shouldering rising costs for health services, welfare programs and public education.
- A US Marine, having gone missing from Iraq turns up in Lebanon claiming that he was kidnapped. Months later, his clothing and Passport turns up in Fallujah. His case was reopened.
- A man in California went all the way to the United States Supreme Court alleging that the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated his right to be completely isolated from all religous intonations.
- Maryland public school students are not permitted to say that they want to thank God during Thanksgiving.
- A principal in California has stopped a teacher from issuing students a copy of our Declaration of Independence and other historical writings because they contain the word "God".
- Enemy combatants scooped up in Afghanistan while fighting US military forces are now being granted protections under the US Constitution while thugs in Fallujah are being afforded Geneva convention protections. This while the perpetrators of relatively minor crimes at Abu Ghraib were sentenced to years at Fort Leavenworth.
- The land that now houses the largest mosque in the Northeastern United States in Boston, MA was sold to a group by the city for a fraction of its worth, from which the group now preaches the overthrow of Europe and America.
- Lawyers for Canadian and American chapters of the Council of American-Islamic Relations have filed or threatened to file libel suits against American journalists for publishing stories about questionable activities involving CAIR.
- Sami al-Arian, a former professor at the University of Central Florida, was arrested after years of funneling money to overseas terror groups. He was virtually untouchable until the passage of the PATRIOT act. The woman who was the President of UCF, Betty Castor, nearly won a US Senate seat representing Florida this month.
- Public schools from elementary through college are being used to educate students about islam. Students are given islamic names, taught that fasting makes good character, and even made to recite the islamic verse declaring allegiance to Allah.
- Meanwhile, the Boy Scouts have been virtually disbanded and excoriated for exercising their right to exclude homosexuals and declare a faith in God, while using public buildings for events and meetings.
- If all that's not enough, over in Holland, a filmmaker named Theo Van Gogh was recently murdered after releasing an 11-minute film illustrating his opinion about the mistreatment of women in islamic societies. He was shot and stabbed by a Moroccan-Dutchman who apparently didn't agree with the liberal freedom of speech offered in Holland.
- Belgians and the Dutch are now openly discussing ceasing all immigration because they hav been overrun in recent years and the immigrants seem unwilling to accept the native customs. Some Dutch leaders have even called for closing mosques in Holland outright.
- German leaders have raised the idea that preaching in German mosques must be done in German so that officials can monitor the messages being spread.
- Muslims in Germany have even gone so far as to ask the government to officially recognize some islamic holiday.
- Norway has recently been threatened, and is taking radical steps to ramp up security to prevent a similar incident like the murder of Theo Van Gogh. Norway is experiencing a high in flow of muslim immigrants in recent years.
- 2 jetliners were downed, killing everyone on board in Russia, apparently by angry muslims who didn't care for Russian customs and cultures.
- Hundreds of children and women were executed by Chechen muslims after they stormed a school in Chechnya. The muslims in this case seemingly felt murdering defenseless children would advance their political agenda.
- Muslims in Canada have successfully manipulated Canadian legislatures into permitting judges to enforce Sharia law in instances where both parties are muslim.
- Muslim rebels in southern Thailand are threatening to break the country apart because they cannot peacefully coexist with their countrymen from the north.
- Overall, much of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia is simply unsafe for Americans, Christians or Jews.
- 8 men were shot, 6 fatally, in Wisconsin by an Asian who claims he was defending himself from racial slurs.