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The word "terrorist"

Why does the word scare some media editors? Reuters apparently claims that by using the word "terrorist", its reporters wouldn't be safe in the locations from where they are reporting. Doesn't that prove exactly the point? If Reuters reported the news fairly, terrorists would carry out attacks against those trying to tell the truth about the acts of islamo-terror. This is a perfect example of the appeasement crowd doing what it does best. Elite alphabet media in America often use the words "militant" or "insurgent", and have recently begun adding the adjective "Iraqi", as if the throat cutters we are facing in Falljuah and Najaf are just unruly Iraqi citizens who would prefer we left their country alone. Until we wake up to the difficult and unthinkable realities of the dangers we are facing, radical islam and its terrorist murderers will continue to wreak murder and destruction on people all around the globe, as they seek to create a global islamic state under which all humans are governed by Sharia. Europe is 20 years or more into the islamic takeover, and America is next on the list.