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Fallujah must be demolished

The Washington Times is reporting that Marines have begun a major offensive against Fallujah (for the 8th time now?). Recently, Prime minister Allawi issued an ultimatum to the people of Fallujah; either hand over al Zarqawi or face a battle.

Abu Asaad, spokesman for the religious council of Fallujah, said that "handing over Zarqawi" was an "impossible condition" since even the Americans were unable to catch him.

"Since we exhausted all peaceful solutions, the city is now ready to bear arms and defend its religion and honor and it's not afraid of Allawi's statements," Mr. Asaad said in an interview with Al Jazeera television.

Well, I've been saying since the 4 contractors were burnt and hung from bridges that Fallujah should be leveled, possibly using small nukes if necessary. Anybody still there is at least complicit in the murder of US citizens and Marines, and at most criminally responsible for the deaths of military personnel as well as Iraqi citizens. The muslim fanatics do not respond to negotiations and they will not be persuaded to give up by having discussions. We must display a show of force so overwhelming that it will not only end the direct threat of uprising in Fallujah, but so that others in the muslim world are fully aware of what we are willing and able to do.