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War with Mexico?

Mexico and it's leadership is a haven for drugs, corruption, violence, poverty and lawlessness. They routinley ship the poorest Mexicans into America to capitalize on our government's charity and social programs. Our officials are unwilling to enforce border laws, and we America is getting overrun by illegal immigration. Mexico has a huge oil reserve, and its tourism industry is booming in coastal areas.

However, we can all rest easy now, since the head of Mexico's federal police has stated that the threat of terrorists coming into America through Mexico is overblown. Mexican President Vicente Fox took it one step further, in defending the Mexican matrĂ­cula consular card, which gives Mexicans abroad documentation as to their "supposed" rights and priveleges as North American citizens. I'm getting real tired of these multinationalists whose dream is a one world government, such as NAFTA, UN, FTAA, WTO, etc...