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You do not have a "right" to vote for President

In the United States Constitution, each state is free to choose its electors any way it wants. Currently, every state affords the citizens a popular vote which chooses the electors, but is this good for America? Absolutely not. Our founding fathers knew that the best way to choose the President would be for a group of people to get together, presumably who had a grasp on the issues and were smart enough to bear the enormous responsibility, and come to a concensus. Similarly, since they establised a representative republic comprised of sovereign states, they knew that the only way for each state to be adequately represented was to have Senators elected by state legislators.

By the way, here are the amendments if you think they contain some language about a "right" to vote for President. Along the same lines, if we repealed the 17th amendment, and restored the election of US Senators to State legislatures would be fabulous. The average idiot in 21st century America simply is NOT informed well enough nor does he possess the requisite intellect to cast a vote for President nor the US Senate.